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About: About

Who I Am

I’m Liz.


8 years ago a sense of realisation spurred me into choosing a different path for my career.


I had always been interested in fitness and joined many fitness classes and tried numerous diets.  My weight whilst I was working yo-yoed and my wardrobe often had to cater for dress sizes and suits that ranged across 2 or 3 sizes.


My epiphany came when I realised that I was juggling a highly demanding and successful job, which was operating at a senior level, with the demanding and no less important task of raising my two children and maintaining a family home. Throughout my career I had continuously developed and improved myself to enable me to become a better leader for the benefit of my work team and my business….and not for ME as an individual!


I've met many women and men who resonate with this scenario and as a result of this I created my company call NuYou2 in 2016.  


Contact Me

NuYou2 provides real solutions for women/men which enables them to have the knowledge, skills and confidence to allow their own health, fitness and personal wellbeing to play an equal role in their everyday lives.


Sometimes you need someone to help you to help yourself, because you are simply too busy being in control of the other areas of your life.


It’s not about fad diets, unrealistic exercise routines, or complicated meal plans and it doesn’t mean that you have to stop enjoying the things you like in your life like alcohol and meals out. It is simply about finding a way to exercise and eat that you enjoy and that is fun. When you find it, it means it will be sustainable and it will deliver the results you want.


I work one to one or in small groups and we aim to work hard whilst having a laugh!


If you want to find your NuYou then get in touch and let’s have a chat.


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